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Introducing...   Bella​


Hi and welcome,

I'm Catherine Barolo here in my happy studio!


Here you will find me immersed in my art.  I am a self-taught Australian artist and 2020 had  been artistically life changing for me finally finding my way through my art.  

All my life I've loved to draw and paint birds, animals, fairies and fantasy.  It's like I disappear into my own world of dreams and make them a reality that can be enjoyed by many.  My paintings are mostly painted on a mottled, bokeh or plain background, I wish my subject to be prominent and the discussion and thought process be clear to whomever happens to be looking at my work.

  I have a huge love for our all wildlife and especially our Australian wildlife.  I love to create paintings in detail which the human eye may not be able to.  I want to show the beauty in all the creatures we share this world with.  As we humans get busier in our lives we often forget to stop and take a breath and look around at the beauty that surrounds us.  


Each one of my original paintings come with its own hand written story about the painting by me on the back of the canvas where I also sign it again.

This took a couple of months to paint
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